Few other popular shows from ETV are Manam, Dhee10, Cash, Manasu Mamatha, Ruthu Geetham etc.ĮTV Telugu focuses on special festival programs and specifies its importance to its community from the time it was launched in 1995. Both the shows are evaluated by actor Nagendra Babu, and an Actress/ Politician Roja and are hosted by Rashmi Gautham & Anasuya Bharadwaj respectively. The channel broadcast comedy reality shows like Extra-Jabardasth and Jabardasth. The South Indian entertainment channel features serials, movies, festival specials, fiction and non-fiction shows, reality shows, music-based reality shows, infotainment programs, special shows with the stars based on the films, etc. ETV Telugu is a 24/7 satellite channel which promises to entertain all the Telugu audience across the globe.