Additional petals within 100 feet of a target can lend their voices to the song, strengthening it and increasing the save DC by 1 per additional singer. Any creature within 100 feet of either singer that hears the song must succeed on a DC 10 + Cha Will save or be affected as though by a sleep spell.
Sleep: This song requires two or more petals separated by no more than 100 feet to be singing in unison.
A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by that petal’s lullaby song for 24 hours. Lullaby: Any creature within a 20-foot-radius that fails a DC 10 + Cha Will save is affected as though by a lullaby spell. Petals can sing two kinds of songs that deal no damage but can lull a creature into a state of relaxation or sleep. Land: 15ft Fly: 60ft Swim: Burrow: Special: Type: Fey Size: Tiny Vision: Low-Light normal